Wilson Avenue Loft Artists explore “A Sense of Place” in October Exhibition

The Wilson Avenue Loft Artists, known as WALA, have chosen “A Sense of Place” as the theme for their annual community event, a group exhibition that opens on Friday, October 28 with a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. and continues with Open Studios on Saturday and Sunday, October 29 and 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The popular annual event allows the public a unique opportunity to see not only the finished works of art but also the studios where artists work. The studios with soaring windows are located in a converted factory building on the edge of Rowayton. Here, artists pursue their passions and produce a large variety of work in various media.

The curator is Sophia Gevas, the former Director of the Gallery of Contemporary Art at Sacred Heart University, current Outreach Education Director at Silvermine Arts Center and an Adjunct Faculty member at Housatonic Community College. She says, “Collectives like WALA provide stimulating opportunities for artists to reflect and discuss their work with other creators. In addition to making art, they often teach or volunteer, and with free public events like Open Studios, contribute to making Norwalk the culturally vibrant city it has become.”

For “A Sense of Place”, some artists have depicted a special part of the world they treasure. Some are captivated by the sea, familiar landscapes or everyday objects, while others envision imaginary landscapes and scenes or share personal stories. As Nancy McTague-Stock says, “Place is a mindset of being in the moment; it can refer to a specific location or a specific state of mind.” She is co-chair of the exhibition, along with Lori Glavin of Darien.

According to curator Gevas, “A Sense of Place” is an ideal theme to celebrate the innovative and singular ways we all think about our own places, whether a personal interpretation or a particular location in our world. Viewing this exciting group of diverse works will open up our minds to possibilities, which is what all good art experiences ensure.”

The WALA studios are located at 225 Wilson Avenue (Rt. 136) in South Norwalk, on the second floor. The entrance and parking are on Ely Avenue behind the building. For more information on WALA: email: Lori Glavin: glavin@optonline.net or Nancy McTague- Stock: nmsstudio1@aol.com



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