Photographs: Fred by Anna Dinh and Sol Rodriguez Piola; Marine Layer by Venera Alexandrova
Above: Enjoy fresh fashions and cups of coffee at Fred Sip & Shop
The new fashion boutique is as cute as its name: Fred. “It’s my daughter’s nickname. It started when she was a baby, and her dad would ask, ‘Ready Freddy?’ It’s generally the only name he calls her, even now that she’s thirteen,” says co-owner Kelley Frey. “I liked the simplicity of the name for a store, no fuss, no attitude, but also a beautiful setting to help people feel welcome.”
FRED SIP & SHOP, with a sister store in Old Greenwich, is co-owned by Shereen Koshnoodi. The Westport location features a coffee-bar café, revealing the owners’ understanding of Westporters’ shop-til-you- drop determination.
Kelley’s husband, Brad, grew up in Westport and recalls how he and his family would go out on a Saturday and certain stores had kid-friendly perks, such as donuts and balloons. Fred pulls on similar old-school heartstrings, in that the owners, both moms, understand that a boutique can be a happy oasis in a woman’s day. A children’s play area close to the dressing room is a win-win for parents and kids.
Adults find perks, too. “I’ve always loved coffee and cafés, in addition to clothes, of course,” says Shereen. “Over the course of five or six years, I noticed spaces in NYC combining retail and café, and I just fell in love with the concept.” Sip coffee while shopping designer fashions from Amy Matto, Joie, Sundry, Trina Turk and other big lines as well as under-the-radar names.
Fred is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., though the team will work by appointment before and after hours, host a girls’ night or assist in a fundraising event.
30 Post Rd. E., Westport, 203-349-5167;