Chilling Out

We love November in Greenwich! The holiday season is just getting started, and the weather is still nice enough to be outside comfortably. There are tons of ways to have fun as a family—from Turkey Trots to giving back. Here are a few of our ideas.

No. 1
Get out and enjoy the fall air at any one—or all—of the Turkey Trots in the area. The Greenwich Alliance for Education 5K and one-mile Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, November 27; New Canaan’s 5K on Saturday, November 20; Fairfield’s five-mile Thanksgiving Day race on Thursday, November 25. Note that the Greenwich Alliance for Education has two options—one for one-milers (perfect for littles) and a 5K. Both leave from the Arch Street Teen Center.

No. 2
Hit up the craft store for art supplies—canvases, paints and brushes. When you get home, take some time to learn about different artists’ styles and have each family member pick a favorite to try on their own. You may be surprised by your family’s talents, and choose to hang up the final masterpieces.

Books to help inspire your younger kids: Henri’s Scissors (based on the life of Matisse); When Pigasso Met Mootisse (based on the friendship between Picasso and Matisse); Little Artist (a board book set about artists who changed history). Also consider enrolling your child in an online or in-person art class:;

No. 3
A great way to honor our veterans is to educate our kids on what it means to protect and serve. Take time out to remember Veterans Day on Thursday, November 11. Writing notes of gratitude to our retired and active members of the military is a feel-good activity everyone can enjoy. Contact the Wounded Warrior Project——to coordinate and distribute the notes. Some great books to help the little ones understand our service men and women are Hero Mom, Hero Dad and Heroes in our Neighborhood.

No. 4
This is the perfect time of year to show our kids how to be of service to others. You can plan a food drive through their schools, or simply collect food, clothes, toys and supplies in your neighborhood and donate to local charities. Some organizations we love to give to locally include Neighbor to Neighbor, Greenwich United Way and Kids in Crisis. Head to their websites to find out what they need most right now.;;

No. 5
Whether you go away with your spouse or girlfriends, a night or two without the kids can get you mentally prepared for the holiday craziness on the horizon. A few favorites of ours for short but memorable getaways are the Delamar and JHouse along with the Mayflower Inn & Spa in nearby Washington, Connecticut. All these close-to-home options offer luxe accommodations, fab spa services and great food (and drink).

Every month Layla Lisiewski, Greenwich mom of four and founder of Greenwich Moms and its parent company, The Local Moms Network, shares some of her favorite things to do, from seasonal activities to can’t-miss events. For more, follow @greenwich_moms on Instagram and sign up for its newsletter at

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