left: The Ferguson Library. center: Be My Valentine by the Connecticut Ballet will be at The Palace. right: New shows at Curtain Call. – Photographs: Ferguson Library, contributed; Ballet by Ben Gancsos; Kweskin theater by Stephen Emerick
February 25:
Fun for the whole family! Mini golf returns to the FERGUSON LIBRARY’S HARRY BENNETT BRANCH, Sat.–Sun., Feb. 11–12, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Tickets are $5 per person. Players under age three get to play for free. Plus, drop by for refreshments at the “19th hole.” See more under “Events” at fergusonlibrary.org.
Did You Know?
The Ferguson has an Entrepreneurs-in-Residence program? Steve Semaya and Doug Campell are available by appointment to help entrepreneurs conceptualize and grow their ideas.
February 13:
Love is in the air at The Palace. CONNECTICUT BALLET’S BE MY VALENTINE is a heart-swelling performance of classical and contemporary love duets and more. It is curated by Artistic Director Crett Raphael. See more at palacestamford.org.
Did You Know?
You can rent out space at The Palace for your event? You get space as well as professional A/V resources.
January 12–29:
It’s a mystery! A Murder Is Announced at CURTAIN CALL. In this Agatha Christie story, the time and place of a murder is printed in the local paper. Can Miss Marple figure out the case in time? Show is at the The Dressing Room Theatre. Return for Groundhog Day, about a weatherman’s journey of self-discovery; show at The Kweskin Theatre. See more at curtaincallinc.com.
Did You Know?
Curtain Call has classes for all ages? The winter session runs eight weeks from January to March, with savings for sibling sign up, spouse sign up and through scholarships.