Above: Darien’s resident Mahjong enthusiastic Alyssa Tierney of Monograms Off Madison will personalize tile pouches and tote bags to carry your entire Mahjong set.
November 21, 10:00-4:00The Holiday Market at The Country Club of New Canaan95 Country Club Road, New Canaan
Vendors:Pure Sage, Brisket Supply, in2 design, Sean Strafford...
Each year we dedicate part of our November/December issue to celebrating everyday people whose generosity of spirit makes our community (and the world) a...
Scheduling this issue's cover story was a challenge, but worth every second of the juggling needed to make it happen. The shoot...
When Jennifer Gulden and John Luther were planning their wedding, they agreed it was important to keep things “simple, meaningful and from New Canaan.”...