NCD Teens to Watch: Neil Chaudhari



In the fall I will be… attending the University of Chicago. I plan to major in Applied Mathematics and Economics.

My interest in computer science and programming began… I loved playing around with app makers during computer class so much that I decided to challenge myself by taking a college-level CS course during my eighth-grade summer. I realized the problem-solving power of programming, and it sparked curiosity that has put me on the path of learning, exploration and experimentation.

My career goals include… engaging in research at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Social Sciences. I am fascinated by the promise of AI.

Sailing allows me to… forge dynamic connections in a competitive atmosphere. As crew, working with my skipper has taught me lessons in communication, teamwork and trust. Team racing has taught me the importance of tactics and situational awareness across a fleet.

I give back to my community by… organizing computer education programs for young students in our community through classes at local libraries, youth centers and schools in underserved areas.

My passion for philosophy started when… we were given time to write an open-ended essay about an aspect of our lives in English class. I decided to focus on existentialism.

The best thing about my school was… the community. Looking back, I treasure the free periods we spent in the library playing Monopoly Go or having philosophical debates.

I would love to discover… more cuisines. I love being adventurous with food. I’ve tried everything from the world’s spiciest hot sauce to fish eyeballs. I remember one of the best meals I’ve had was in an alleyway my dad and I found in Athens.

One day I’d love to… learn to play the guitar.

My ideal family vacation would be… to Hawaii. I remember when my uncle took me to Mauna Kea, one of the darkest places on earth. Seeing the entire galaxy with our bare eyes was breathtaking and one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.


Angela Van Acker Community Service Award
UVA Thomas Jefferson Book Award
Cum Laude Society
Varsity Sailing Coaches Award
National Invitational Trophy 2nd Place (Sailing)

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